Heroes of the Campus
September 19, 2017
Students go about our day in school ever so casually without ever batting an eye. They walk from classroom to classroom, never really acknowledging who’s keeping our campus nice and safe the way it should always be. These people are constantly doing their best for this school and deserve a lot more recognition for what they do. These heroes of the Arroyo campus are the campus supervisors.

The campus supervisors are continuously working hard to provide us with a safe environment where all students can feel welcome. From cleaning up after us and watching the gates, our supervisors are always hard at work. For most of them, the students always seem to be the best part about the job.
“I’ve only been working here since the beginning of the school year and I’ve met a lot of really nice students who have been really cool with me,” says Arturo Toscano, a new campus supervisor for the 2017-2018 year.

Not only do they think the kids great, but the rest of the Arroyo staff are great too.
Everyone gets along with each other and they are easily able to cooperate with each other through the toughest situations.

“We have good staff. We all work with each other and help each other out. With staff, we have no problems with them,” says Lee Olvera, previous AHS graduate.
The staff are very happy to have the campus supervisors here at our school. They think that they do an excellent job and are able to create the environment that we want.

“I think from what I have seen on campus, they do what the administration asks them to do and they do a great job at it,” says Mr. Goodwell, wood shop teacher.

Throughout the years, the supervisors were able to say that there’s never really any trouble. In general the kids and the staff are great and no one gives them a hard time. Their experiences in Arroyo have been amazing and enjoyable.

“I really like the staff and the students and everyone has been really friendly and accommodating,” says Heather Moulton.

The supervisors are a great bunch to have in our school. They’re very sociable and create such a great environment for us to be in. These campus supervisors are Ronald Fischer, Michael Gorball, Arthur “Butch” Moulton, Heather Moulton, Lee Olvera, Mary Jane Peterson, Christopher Rodriguez, Valerie Torres, and Arturo Toscano. Make sure to give make them feel appreciated for what they do!