
Eddie Nguyen, News Editor

The Golden Globes is a yearly broadcast, honoring the culture of film. Many actors, actresses, and directors are presented awards for their work in the film/entertainment industry. It is a show that is viewed by millions. This provided the perfect opportunity for famous celebrities attending the celebration to raise awareness over a very present issue.

According to PeopleStyle, many actresses have been coming out of the dark and speaking up about the sexual harassment they’ve experienced in their lives. Many of these accusations were actually directed towards a lot of the other male actors, directors and producers that they have previously worked with. This has been going on for the past 2-3 months when it began with accusations against American film producer Harvey Weinstein. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movement against sexual harassment and assault gained popularity after actress Alyssa Milano tweeted it in her action to denounce Weinstein.

After this first little step towards change, many other actresses have also gained the confidence to join the movement and speak out against other men who have performed sexual assault in the industry. As the Golden Globes rolled by, both actresses and actors took this opportunity to really let their voices be heard.

On the night of the Golden Globes, the majority of people who attended were dressed in black to show their support for the #MeToo movement. Based on NewsWeek, many of these attendees used the Golden Globes as an outlet to make their message widespread. This worked really well, leaving millions of people across the country asking “Why are people only wearing black?” On the same night, a new hashtag gained a lot of popularity, #WhyWeWearBlack. As stated by USA Today, a number of the attendees also wore pins along with their black outfits. These pins had the words “TimesUp”, the name of the movement against sexual assault also in response to the Weinstein incident.

Sexual harassment is definitely an issue and this shows that it happens even in the most unlikely of situations. The #MeToo movement is doing something great and is really making a change in the world.