Arroyo’s Boys Tennis team goes undefeated

Harshita Monga, Staff Writer

Tennis is one of the most competitive sports played at Arroyo. It requires a player to use a racquet to hit a ball over a net into the opponent’s court. The ball must be kept in play and can only bounce one time on the court surface before the opponent must strike the ball back over the net. To be in tennis you need flexibility, balance, aerobic health, and strength which are all shown in our Arroyo athletes.

This tennis season has been filled with achievement and success. They are undefeated league champions with a score of 10-0, First serve tournament champions (2019) and CIF Quarter Finalist under the lead of Coach Anthony Lim.

The 5 individual CIF Qualifiers are the following:

Derek Lam, 12

Ken Lam, 12

Aaron Tha, 12

Ethan Wong, 12

Kiet Tran, 10

According to Kiet Tran, this year of tennis was “nerve wracking” but over time he became comfortable.

One key factor that made him become comfortable and prepared was to have “bonding time” with his teammates where they participated in fun activities like playing “Super Smash Bros” or attend cheerful team events like barbeques.

Additionally, when asked, “Do you enjoy playing tennis?”, Kiet replied that, “Yeah, it relieves stress and I love the competitive atmosphere”. He said that, “the team supports each player by helping them strive towards success and provide them with support for improvement.”

Kiet’s goal for this season was, “to develop as a person and become a leader.” He also mentioned that, “I don’t think I have really accomplished it yet, I still believe I could be even better. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t develop at all. I was able to gain a little bit more confidence in myself and finding my voice.”

On the other hand, when asked the team what they do in times of failure? The team answered that “we work on our mistakes and learn from others to improve and be prepared for the next competition in order to become undefeated.”

If you would like to be part of Tennis and personally develop as a person at Arroyo, you should definitely consider joining the team next season.