Arroyo’s Avid program came together to form their first annual blood drive to help save lives and fundraise for the senior class of 2024 scholarships. Avid coordinator, Ms. Rebecca Herrera, and Avid teachers Mrs. Hannah Phelps, Mr. Arthur Sandoval, Mrs.Tatiana Magana, Mr. Antonio Ruiz, and Mrs. Arianne Hernandez worked together to make this positive function possible.
“The first purpose of the blood drive is to basically help save lives. By donating blood, you can save many lives, like people who are in accidents and just any kind of medical condition where they lose blood, so by donating blood we are also helping the community by saving lives. Second, the reason why Avid is throwing this function is to help provide scholarships for our students . Part of the money that is earned for this will go to students for scholarships.” said Mr. Sandoval.
The blood drive was held on November 2nd. Before the day of the event, multiple Avid students went out during lunch to promote this event with signs, a table, and a signup sheet and that helped a lot. Anyone who met the requirements was able to participate in this year’s blood drive.
“I first got the news when I walked out of class for lunch and saw students with mini posters and a sign up sheet and I decided to sign up,” explained Jessica Paredes, senior. Multiple students had different reasons as to why they chose to participate and donate in the blood drive. Some enjoyed the sound of being able to make an impact on the people in our community in need of help and others wanted to try something new.
“I chose to donate blood because I haven’t done it ever before and I was curious about the process and I also liked the sound of a free shirt,” Jessica said.
Most students explained that this blood drive process was painless and they’d definitely be doing it again. The cause made it all worth it.
Senior Issac Fedele says, “The process was not painful at all. I just felt a little prick, like a rose thorn poking me but I’d definitely do it again to help people.”
This year’s Avid blood drive was a major success. A good amount of students signed up to donate blood and resulted in Avid fundraising a good amount of money. This year’s blood drive did not only make it possible for senior students of class of 2024 to receive their college scholarships but also possible for the people in need of blood.
“We met our minimum amount of students that needed to donate, so we hit our mark and overall it was a great success for both students and people in need.” Mr. Sandoval said.