Last Bash was the final school dance of the year, providing an opportunity to celebrate the last days of the school year before summer break.“ I had never been to Last Bash before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but it ended up being a really good time. I liked seeing everybody’s outfits and having fun with my friends.” said senior Samantha Gutierrez.
Almost every year, the theme for the last bash dance is coordinated as a festival to give more of a celebration feeling towards students. “We made sure that we didn’t do the same type of theme that we did like last time with the rave theme. Instead, we tried to come up with something different, we came up with the idea of more of a house party,” said ASB advisor Mr. Brendan Buono. Before picking the dance theme, ASB released a survey for all students so they could encompass everything that was requested into one theme.

ASB initially selected “Last Friday Night” as the theme but changed it within 24 hours due to a leak. ASB president Krissia Valle then chose “Project X” as the last-minute theme. A poster was created and unveiled at Rally Square in front of students, with Mr. Buno explaining that revealing it during the Food Booth celebration would reach more students. This way, students can enjoy both the Food Booth and the theme reveal simultaneously.
This year ASB wanted to plan last bash as a house party-type theme, unfortunately, some weren’t too happy with the original theme “Project X”. Shortly after the reveal for the last bash theme, there were some complaints made by staff and parents, according to Mr. Buono. Complaints were made about the inappropriateness of the theme, It was then switched to Coachella. “ I understand the movie is inappropriate for some but I thought it was a good theme because it was something different because the last bash themes are usually festivals.” said junior Jazalene Villaseca.

ASB student Emily Munoz, senior, also agrees that the theme Project X would have been a great theme. “Although the prior theme of the dance was a bit controversial, I personally believed it to be a great theme. It was fun and hectic, and a great way for students to experience a “function” like party/dance in a safe and secure environment rather than those done by students which can be very dangerous – as seen in the movie.” The theme Project X would have allowed students to experience a party-like dance, except on school grounds, with security, and food truck vendors, all in a safer environment.
“I don’t see much of a difference if you had concerns with that theme in terms of the Coachella theme with what is associated with the actual Coachella festival. I would think if you had concerns with the first theme you would have the same concerns with the second theme.” said teacher Mr. Ray Hernandez. With the changes regarding the theme deemed as school-inappropriate, Mr. Hernandez feels that both themes Project X and Coachella are both inappropriate for a school event such as last bash.
Others feel differently regarding the change of theme as Coachella and scratching off Project X. Mr. Alex Castaneda said, “I feel better about it being changed just cause the previous title wasn’t well thought out in terms of what that might suggest to the kids. I have a son here (at Arroyo) so I’m concerned with that. I think it was appropriate to change it, I understand it’s hard to come up with themes and plan events. Overall, I think it was a good choice to change the theme, Coachella seems like a fun and interesting theme. I think it allows a lot of room for creativity.” Project X’s theme is practically a house party with adult-like themes that would not suit a school dance. As Mr. Castaneda said, the movie can give students the wrong impression of the dance. To some, the new theme Coachella can offer a much more fun and memorable experience for students.

Coachella was one of many themes that were requested by students.ASB had already been aware that the original theme “Project X” may not be allowed so they were already prepared to make changes just in case. “It wasn’t a shock, as we always do, we adapted quickly and that same day we received the complaint we changed the theme to Coachella because that was next on our list of what people requested as a theme,” said Mr. Buono. Since the change was made ASB has already made plenty of adjustments like the posters around the school and online flyers posted throughout their social media account. Now the posters seen around the school each have a specific design. Since Coachella is a music festival ASB came up with the idea of using artists’ album covers as a way to promote. Some album covers being used are Bad Bunny, Drake, Tyler the Creator, Frank Ocean, and more artists featured at the festival in previous years. This year, ASB worked alongside Active Entertainment, a company that specializes in events such as school dances and weddings. Active used sound engineering, light production, videography, and photography to make the event fun and memorable.
ASB made this year’s last bash special for all students, especially Arroyo’s graduating class.
Eduardo Morales • Jun 3, 2024 at 10:12 am
the cover is fire #Bestinthegamelilyandval