The Serious Case of Senioritis

Joanne Quach, Editor-in-Chief

Every year around November-December a horrendous disease sweeps all high schools: Senioritis.

According to Urban Dictionary, Senioritis is a crippling disease that affects millions of high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, procrastination, lack of studying, excessive wear of sweats and a generally dismissive attitude. After all- there’s nothing you can do now to better your chance in college admissions. Once college applications are submitted, many seniors sigh in relief for all the blood, sweat and tears they put into the last three months are over.  Now they can take a break from the mind boggling brainstorming, sleepless nights and one too many essay revisions.

“It took me a week to write my personal statements cause I kind of pushed it off to Thanksgiving week. But I had to revise my essay like ten times, I kept reading it over and over again. I would erase it and then rewrite it. For each question I wrote four different draft,” said Shan Xiao, 12.

While college applications are submitted, Seniors must remain focused getting grades no lower than a D or F. The colleges you applied to in the fall will be able to see your end-of-the-year transcript and have the ability to withdraw their acceptance.

The only cure available to this inevitable illness: graduation. With graduation being only 5 months away, it is ideal to make the most of what they have left. Some would say to make their final year the best, they want spend their last semester making memories with friends before they part separate ways.

“I just want to end things with a ‘bang’. I would say especially with good memories,” says Allison Price, 12.

Senior year, the last year of high school. While the year may feel like a drag to some, it can also feel like it is going too fast. Just like a race, you have to finish strong. Hang in there Seniors, you only have one lap left!