New school year, new look. The stadium construction is finally over! After months of anticipation, the stadium is ready for our class of 2024. On Thursday, May 3rd, students, parents, and faculty came tog
In the ribbon-cutting ceremony, speakers informed the audience what had been done and what the future plans are for the school and future Arroyo students. The stadium construction included new guest side bleachers, a new track and field facility, new snack bars, and a new scoreboard.

“We’re going to finish off with the snack bars and then try to do some more landscaping and also probably redo our mural because it’s fading out,” said Superintendent, Dr. Edward Zuniga.
Although the stadium construction isn’t completely over, classes 2025 through 2028 will be able to enjoy the stadium once it is fully completed over the summer and ready for the next school year. “it does feel good knowing that we’re near the end and that we’re at a point where the trailers will be gone, the dirt will be gone, and the mess will be gone. So that’s very rewarding and satisfying for me as the principal to see that it’s finally all moving past it and to see the stadium come together.” said Mr. Gabriel Flores, Principal.

Many were ecstatic to see the outcome of the area and how much work was put into it. “I’m really excited to graduate from this beautiful stadium. “Attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony made me realize how well done it was. The colors on the field and track represent our school perfectly,” said senior Alma Molina.
This year many sports and performing arts had to practice and have games on our smaller fields. Some sports teams had to travel to other schools in the district to use their field or track.
“I had to put a lot of time into track and field because without the stadium we didn’t really have anywhere else to train. Going to Rosemead High School took a lot of the students’ time because we would come home near 8:00 pm, tired and with little time for homework,” said senior hurdler Miley Valdibia.
Arroyo has come a long way rebuilding our school into the best it can be. The new stadium will give off a completed look along with the new gymnasium that is currently under construction.
“To the future students of Arroyo, embrace it, and thank the community for making this happen because without them we wouldn’t enjoy what we have today. So embrace it and have a great time and take care of your school,” said Dr. Zuniga.