It would be an honor
Members of Arroyo’s Varsity football team attended the CIF Southern Section Press Conference and Luncheon days before CIF Finals.
November 29, 2016
Arroyo’s Varsity football team had the honor of being represented at the 41st CIF Southern Section Press Conference and Luncheon held at The Grand Event Center in Long Beach. Starting center Dominic Mendez, 12, and starting linebacker Cesario Carillo, 12, were the student representatives at the conference.

At 11 o’ clock, principal Angelita Gonzalez, coaches Jim Singiser, Josh Knight, and Chris MacMillan, as well as the two athletes convened at the location, which was decked out in holiday spirit. After checking in, the group entered the dining area already filling with dozens of coaches and players.
Led to a table marked with blue, black, and white balloons, the party finally had the chance to take in their surroundings. Twenty-six schools as well as two 8-man football teams were present at the event. The Knights also had the opportunity to acknowledge representatives from Rancho Mirage high school whom the team will compete against in the CIF Finals on Saturday, December 3rd.

“I’m really glad to be here. I’ve never been here before, but since this is my last year on the team, I’m honored I got this opportunity,” said Mendez.
CIF-SS Director of Communications Thom Simmons brought the session to attention with a few welcoming remarks.
“No matter what occurs on Friday or Saturday, [being here] is something you all should be proud of,” said Simmons.
Simmons then passed the microphone to CIF-SS Commissioner of Athletics Rob Wigod who quickly introduced all the members seated in the front and again reminded everyone to be proud of what they had done to get to this point.
CIF-SS Council President Carter Paysinger rounded out the opening words with a few inspiring comments of his own.
“I would like to congratulate you on getting to this point, but more importantly, I want to congratulate you on going through the process to get to this point,” Paysinger stated, “The process of learning and understanding how to win. That’s a process that’s transferable…that will help you win in the classroom…in college…in your careers. It’s time management, discipline, responsibility, desire, consistency, persistence; all these skills you are going to need for the rest of your life.”
Lunch was served, and the teams bee-lined for the buffet one by one starting with the 8-man champion teams whose season had just finished followed by division one, two and so forth. Being division 12, the Knights kept their eyes pointed toward the food and the moving line.
Attendees had a broad selection of salads, pastas, and vegetables with a chicken or beef option. Dessert consisted of carrot or chocolate cake and apple pie.

All the coaches then had the opportunity to present their athletes and guests. Later, Bishop Amat alumni, Nebraska Cornhusker, and NFL cornerback Ralph Brown was the keynote speaker of the event.
“I’ve been on both sides. There’s going to be a winner and there’s going to be a loser this weekend. But whoever loses, shouldn’t look at is as being defeated. The process of all of what you guys have been through, putting through all that work, makes everyone a winner,” explained Brown, “…Just keep going.”

The conference was adjourned soon after to media interviews. During this time, Mendez and Carillo found themselves in a whirlwind of activity as they posed for pictures and partook in interviews.
The CIF Finals game will be held at Arroyo, and the game will begin at 7 PM.
Alexia • Apr 10, 2017 at 8:54 am
This schools football team was so awesome this year there’s no other school that deserves to get a cif ring more then them because they have worked their buts off every week during the summer and during season I know that because I know Antonio nava #26 and Popeye #52 because they’ve told me that they have a really good time and they haven’t lost a game at all this season
Shannon Collins • Dec 1, 2016 at 10:38 pm
The Knights have come along way. My son who is known as Macho Camacho #15 has had alot of fun playing. Good luck Knights. Lets do this. Lets show Rancho Mirage how good of a team u guys are. Remember teamwork. Go in with a clear mind. U guys got this. U guys have worked ur butts off to come this far. Lets show them whos #1. Thats right the Arroyo High School Knights… #camacho #quarterback #15 #varsityfootball #AHS #Knights